Post new free classified ad

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Post new free classified ad

add pictures
Drag & drop to reorder your images. The first image will be used as a cover.
    • You can add up to 9 Pictures
    • Max file size: 13Mo (per file)
    • Once uploaded, you can re-order your photos. Simply drag n' drop them to the desired position
    Choose how you want to be contacted
    (between 6 and 20 characters)

    Tips and rules to create a classified ad

    Tips for creating your classified ad :

    • The titles of classified ads must be as clear as possible. Start your classified ads with the words: "seeking ..."," Giving ...", or "Exchanging ...". If it is an object for sale, we recommend describing the brand and model ..."
    • Please be clear and don't use abbreviations. Before you submit your classified, please make sure that the person who will read it has all information.
    • Put a photo to each of your classified ads, because it increases the average number of your prospective buyers by seven
    • Please don't forget to put your contact

    Rules for Classified ads :

    • Do not post the same classified ad several times, and do not use the same photo many times. Those who will not respect these rules will be banned.
    • For detailed information you can refer to Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.